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INTAVIA: In/Tangible European Heritage

Visual Analysis, Curation & Communication


  • About

    InTaVia is a H2020 research and innovation action funded by the European Commission within the Call DT-TRANSFORMATIONS-12-2018-2020 "Curation of digital assets and advanced digitisation".

  • Team

    The InTaVia team draws from nine European institutions dedicated to research and development in the area of digital cultural heritage.

  • Advisory Board

    Members of the scientific advisory board contribute to the InTaVia project with their expertise, community outreach, and occasional technical or scholarly advice. The consortium will seek their counsel for mastering challenges, mitigating risks, and preparing strategic decisions.

Research Aims

  • Overall Aims

    Representations of tangible objects of European cultural heritage have been digitized and aggregated widely. Up to the present day, the focus of digitization has been on the core of these objects, and on the documentation of structural information. As a consequence, a plethora of object databases have emerged, which allow experts and public audiences to access an unprecedented amount of cultural assets with a stunning degree of detail.

  • Work Packages

    The InTaVia project is structured into ten work packages. These packages guide research and developments along parallel tracks, while being synchronized by project management and interwoven by deliverables, development dependencies, and consortial coordination.

